Activities and lectures by guests
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- Combinatorics Seminar: Optimal unimodular matching (Friday 14th March 12:30, Laurent Ménard, Université Paris Nanterre)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On the Unexpected Connections in the Arithmetic Properties of POND and PEND Partitions (14.03.2025, 14:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. James Sellers, University of Minnesota, Duluth)
- Seminar Operator Theory: Energy decay rates for the damped wave equation on the torus via non-polynomial derivative bound conditions (13.3.2025, 12:15 Uhr, Perry Kleinhenz, Illinois State University, USA)
- Vortrag: On p-Wasserstein barycenters (20. März 2025, 14:00 Uhr, Camilla Brizzi, Technische Universität München)
- Geometry Seminar: Minimal flat-injective presentations and related invariants (7.3.2025, 9:00-10:00, Fritz Gimpen, Univ. Bremen)
- Seminar „Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences“: Time-domain Galerkin BEM for wave-body interaction in ship hydrodynamics (5.3.2025,17:00 Uhr, Dr. Moritz Hartmann, DLR, Geesthacht)
- Vortrag: Statistical inference for random orientations of symmetrical objects (26. Juni 2025, 14:00 Uhr, Zbyněk Pawlas, Karls-Universität, Prag)
- Elective subject mathematics (Analysis): Lecture on Semiclassical Analysis Guest Professor J. Royer (Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 16:00-18:00, Julien Royer, Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse)
- Seminar Operator Theory: Irreversible hard detection of non-relativistic quantum particles (27.2.2025, 15:00, Lawrence Frolov, Rutgers University, USA)
- Vortrag: Data-driven stochastic 3D structure modeling of functional materials with applications to nanoporous glass and filter cakes (Donnerstag, 6. März 2025, 14:00 Uhr, Philip Gräfensteiner, Universität Ulm)
- Seminar on Diophantine Approximation: Approximation to Several Real Numbers (Friday 14.2.2025, 11:00, Viktoria Rudykh, Technion Haifa, Israel)
- Number Theory and Probability Seminar: Almost periodic stochastic processes appearing in analytic number theory (Monday 10.2.2025, 14:00, Zakhar Kabluchko, Universität Münster)
- Graz-ISTA Number Theory Days (31.1.2025, 13:30)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Tiling thresholds in 3-uniform hypergraphs (Friday 31st January 12:30, Candida Bowtell, University of Birmingham)
- Seminar Operator Theory: On Schrödinger operators with oblique transmission conditions on non-smooth curves (30.1.2025, 12:15 Uhr, Badreddine Benhellal, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences: ABGESAGT: A Saddle point Formulation for the Air-Gap Element (Mittwoch, 29.1.2025, 17:15 Uhr, Michael Reichelt, TU Graz, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik)
- Seminar Combinatorial Probability: Representation of Nested Products over roots of unity in Difference Rings (27.1.2025, 13:00, Evans Doe Ocansey, RISC Software GmbH)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Extremal and probabilistic aspects of graph rigidity (Friday 17th January 12:30, Peleg Michaeli, University of Oxford)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Turan densities for hypercubes and daisies, and related problems (Friday 10th January 12:30, David Ellis, University of Bristol)
- Vortrag: A versatile trivariate wrapped Cauchy copula with applications to toroidal and cylindrical data (Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2024, 17 Uhr, Christophe Ley, Uni Luxemburg)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Odd-Ramsey numbers of complete bipartite graphs (Friday 13th December 12:30, Kalina Petrova, ISTA)
- Graz Mathematical ColloquiumKick-Off of the NAWI Master Programme Data Science: A numerical tour of modern Bayesian computational imaging (13.12.2024, 16:30 Uhr, Marcelo Peyrera, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Finding disjoint paths in expanders (Friday 6th December 12:30, Nemanja Draganic, University of Oxford)
- Seminar Operator Theory: Non-relativistic limit of generalized MIT bag models on a straight line (5.12.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Lukas Heriban, CTU Prague)
- Workshop on Diophantine Approximation (Thursday 5.12.2024 and Friday 6.12.2024)
- Joint Seminar in Econometrics and Statistics: Regularizing Discrimination Optimal Policy Learning with Distributional Targets (Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024, 16:00 h, David Preinerstorfer, WU Wien)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The probability that a random graph is even-decomposable (Friday 29th November 12:30, Oliver Janzer, ETH Zürich)
- Seminar Combinatorial Probability: U-statistics applied to Mallows permutations (Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 16:00, Victor Dubach, Université de Lorraine)
- Seminar Combinatorial Probability: Connected components in large meandric systems, and the infinite noodle (Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 14:45, Paul Thévenin, University of Angers)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Local resilience for random geometric graphs (Friday 22nd November 12:30, Lyuben Lichev, ISTA)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Product representation of perfect cubes (19.11.2024, 15:15 Uhr, Prof. Peter Pal Pach, Universität Budapest)
- Seminar Operator Theory: Friedrichs system: a unified approach for studying various types of PDEs (14.11.2024, Sandeep Kumar Soni, University of Zagreb)
- Seminar Applied Analysis, Complex Systems and Dynamics: Asymptotic self-similar behavior in reaction-diffusion systems on $\mathbb{R}^d$ (13.11.2024, 11:00, Alexander Mielke, WIAS Berlin)
- Seminar Applied Analysis, Complex Systems and Dynamics: On rank-deficient cross-diffusion and the interface dynamics in viscoelastic phase separation (13.11.2024, 10:00, Katharina Hopf, WIAS Berlin)
- Festkolloquium: 50 Jahre Institut für Statistik an der TU Graz (29. November 2024, Beginn 10:00 Uhr)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Counting score sequences (and graphic sequences) via random walks (Friday 8th November 12:30, Serte Donderwinkel, University of Groningen)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Toward a variant of Skolem problem (08.11.2024, 14 bis 15 Uhr, Dr. Armand Noubissie, University of Salzburg)
- Vortragsreihe: Vorträge im Rahmen des Seminars Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences (30.10.2024, 6.11.2024, 27.11.2024, 11.12.2024)
- Combinatorics Seminar (changed day and time): Component sizes in percolation on finite regular graphs (Thursday 24th October 14:30, Sahar Diskin, Tel Aviv University)
- Reminder: SAAAAJ-Seminar (19.10.2024)
- “Discrete Mathematics in Teams” and Combinatorics: Lipschitz functions on expanders (Friday 18th October 11:15-12:15, Jinyoung Park, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University)
- Seminar Operator Theory: Scattering theory with both regular and singular perturbations and applications (24.10.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Andrea Mantile, Laboratoire de Mathematiques de Reims)
- Seminar Operator Theory: $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric oscillators with one-center point interactions (17.10.2024, 12:15, Iveta Semoradova, CTU Prague and Cardiff University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: An embedded trace theorem for infinite metric trees with applications to transmission problems with mixed dimensions (17.10.2024, 14 Uhr, Kiyan Naderi, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Multiplicative independence in the sequence of k–generalized Lucas numbers (11.10.2024, 14:00 Uhr, Mahadi Ddamulira, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda)
- Algebra-Kolloquium: Update - Exploring Algebraic Structures of Polynomials: Theoretical Insights and Applications (30.09.2024, 14 bis 15 c.t., Indah E. Wijayanti, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
- Kolloquium Mathematik und Didaktik: Prozedurale und konzeptuelle Kenntnisse in der Matura und bei Studienbeginner:innen (Dienstag 24.9.2024 um 14:00, Michael Fischer, Universität Graz)
- Vortrag: Statistical Inference For Spectral Means Of Hilbert Space Valued Random Processes (26. September 2024, 17.00 Uhr, Daniel Rademacher, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, TU Braunschweig)
- Vortrag: Statistical 3D reconstruction of microstructures from 2D data by combining stochastic geometry and generative AI (Mittwoch, 18. September 2024, 16:00 Uhr, Orkun Furat, Institute of Stochastics, Ulm University)
- Geometry Seminar: Manifold-valued Approximation (26.8.2024, 11:00, Nir Sharon, Tel Aviv University)
- Geometry Seminar: The algebraic K-theory of algebraic tori via equivariant homotopy theory (Wed 24.7.2024 13:45, Branko Juran, Univ. Copenhagen)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Maximum likelihood estimators and subgraph counts in planar graphs (Friday 19th July 12:30, Chris Wells, Auburn University)
- Structure Theory Seminar: Self-avoiding walks on graphs with infinitely many ends (Tuesday, 2nd July 2024, 11:30, Florian Lehner - Thomas, Univ. Auckland)
- Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics Seminar: The excedance quotient of the Bruhat order, Quasisymmetric Varieties and Temperley-Lieb algebras (Fr 28.06.2024, 11:00 Uhr, Nantel Bergeron, York University, Canada)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Extremal problems in the hypercube (Friday 28th June 12:30, Maria Axenovich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Geometry Seminar: Homotopy and singular homology groups of finite (di)graphs (Wednesday 26.6.2024, 13:45, Nikola Milićević, Pennsylvania State University)
- Combinatorics Seminar (CHANGED TIME): Intervals in 2-parameter persistence modules (Friday 21st June 1:15, Michael Kerber, Graz University of Technology)
- Geometry Seminar: Card Games and Finite Geometry (Wed June 19, 13:45, János Ruff, University of Pécs, Hungary)
- Vortrag: A combined machine learning approach for modeling and prediction of international football matches (Montag, 17. Juni 2024, 17:00 Uhr, Andreas Groll, Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Transversals in Latin squares (Friday 7th June 12:30, Richard Montgomery, University of Warwick)
- Combinatorics Seminar: New Lower Bounds for Sphere Packing (Friday 17th May 12:30, Marcelo Campos, University of Cambridge/IMPA)
- Geometry Seminar: Topology of political structures and voting games modeled by simplicial complexes (15.5.2024, 13:45, Franjo Šarčević, Univ. Sarajewo)
- Geometry Seminar: Groups of Deformable Shapes and Slopes in LBP Pyramids (May 8, 13:45, Walter G. Kropatsch, TU Wien)
- Vortrag: Capture-Recapture Methods and their Applications: The Case of One-Inflation in Zero-Truncated Count Data (13. Mai 2024, 17:00 Uhr, Dankmar Böhning, University of Southampton)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics: Conforming space-time isogeometric methods for the wave equation: stability and new perspectives (Montag, 6.5.2024, 13:00 Uhr, Dr. Matteo Ferrari, Universität Wien)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Semi-strong colourings of hypergraphs (Friday 3rd May 12:30, Jane Tan, University of Oxford)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Symplectic holomorphic automorphisms of Calogero–Moser spaces (29.5.2024, 12:00 Uhr, Rafael Benedikt Andrist, University of Ljubljana)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian (Friday 26th April 12:30, Torsten Mütze, University of Warwick)
- Vorträge: Kolloquium im Fachbereich Stochastik (6.5; 7.5. und 8.5.2024)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Operator models for meromorphic functions of bounded type (25.4.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Christian Emmel, Stockholm University, Sweden)
- Colloquium Discrete Geometry: Subdivisions and invariants of matroids (24.04.2024, 11:00 Uhr, Benjamin Schröter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
- Geometrisches Seminar: Cup Product Persistence and Its Efficient Computation (24.04.2024, 13:45, Abhishek Rathod, Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
- Colloquium Discrete Geometry: Generalized Heawood graphs and triangulations of tori (Tue 23.04.2024, 13:00, Cesar Ceballos, TU Graz)
- Colloquium Discrete Geometry: From Tropical Geometry to Applications (Tue 23.04.2024, 09:30, Georg Loho, FU Berlin)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The structure and density of (strongly) $k$-product-free sets in the free semigroup. (Friday 19th April 12:30, Frederick Illingworth, University College London)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theorie: Spectral cluster bounds for orthonormal functions (Donnerstag, 18.4.2014, 12:15 Uhr, Jean-Claude Cuenin, Lougborough, UK)
- Colloquium Discrete Geometry: The Wachspress Geometry of Polytopes — a bridge between algebra, geometry and combinatorics (Wed 17.04.2024, 11:00, Martin Winter, University of Warwick)
- First guest lecture within SS24 Elective subject mathematics (Linear Operators): Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian (Start: April 15, 12.00-12.30 (first organizatorial meeting), Jean-Claude Cuenin, Loughborough University, UK)
- Combinatorics Seminar (Irregular Time): Improved bounds for Szemerédi’s theorem (Friday 12th April 13:30, Ashwin Sah, MIT)
- Combinatorics Seminar: $2$-neighbourhood bootstrap percolation on the Hamming graph (Friday 22nd March 12:30, Dominik Schmid, Graz University of Technology)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: UPDATE - Arithmetik an der A7 (Thursday (March 21, 2024) und Friday (March 22, 2024))
- Combinatorics Seminar: Chromatic number is not tournament-local (Friday 15th March 12:30, Michael Savery, University of Oxford)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: The number of prime factors of integers - classical results and recent variations of the classical theme (15.03.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Krishnaswami Alladi, University of Florida)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: An anti-maximum principle for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator (14.3.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Sahiba Arora, University of Twente, Netherlands)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Graphs and limits of Riemann surfaces (08.03.2024, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Noema Nicolussi, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Ramsey problems for monotone (powers of) paths in graphs and hypergraphs (Friday 8th March 12:30, Lior Gishboliner, ETH Zurich)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Local energy decay and low frequency asymptotics for the Schrödinger equation (7.3.2024, 13:00 Uhr, Julien Royer, Universite Toulouse, France)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: The Maslov index in spectral theory: an overview (7.3.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Selim Sukhtaiev, Auburn University, USA)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Semirestricted Rock, Paper, Scissors (Friday 1st March 12:30, Svante Janson, Uppsala University)
- Graz-ISTA Number Theory Days (1.2.2024, 13:30)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Almost partitioning every $2$-edge-coloured complete $k$-graph into$k$ monochromatic tight cycles (Friday 26th January 12:30, Vincent Pfenninger, Graz University of Technology)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Pointwise eigenvector estimates by landscape functions (Donnerstag, 25.1.2024, 12:15 Uhr, Delio Mugnolo, Fernuniversität Hagen)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Counting graphic sequences via integrated random walks (Friday 12th January 12:30, Paul Balister, University of Oxford)
- Geometrie-Seminar: The s-weak order and s-Permutahedron (Thu Jan 11, 2024, 8:30-9:30, Viviane Pons, Université Paris-Saclay)
- Vorträge im Rahmen des Seminars Operatortheorie (Donnerstag, 21.12.2023, 10:00 - 15:00 Uhr)
- Optimization Seminar: Minor-universal graph for graphs on surfaces (19.12.2023, 16:15, Claire Hilaire, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia)
- Combinatorics Seminar: On the zeroes of hypergraph independence polynomials (Friday, 15 December, 15:30, Michail Sarantis, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Numerical ranges and multiplier tricks (14.12.2023, 12:15 Uhr, Sabine Bögli, Durham University, UK)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Polynomials and Matrices: Specialisations, Dynamics and Arithmetic Statistics (04.12.2023, 09:00 bis 10:00 Uhr, Dr. Alina Ostafe, The University of New South Wales)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Enumeration of rectangulations (Friday 1st December 12:30, Éric Fusy, LIGM)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Hopf algebra on Vincular Permutation Patterns (Donnerstag, 30.11.2023, 11:00 s.t., Emanuele Verri, Universität Greifswald)
- Geometrie-Seminar: Tightening the Knot Between Biological and Artificial Neural Networks via Shapes from Spiking Neural Networks (Donnerstag, 23.11.2023, 08:30 Uhr, Joshua M. Roldan, University of South Carolina)
- Combinatorics Seminar: On induced $C_4$-free graphs with high average degree (Friday 17th November 12:30, Antonio Girão, University of Oxford)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Difference arithmetic geometry (13.11.2023, 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Dr. Michael Wibmer, University of Leeds)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Rough and stochastic analysis (13.11.2023, 10:15 bis 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich, Universität Bonn)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Planar maps of the disk coupled with statistical physics models : Enumeration and limits (Friday 10th November 12:30, Joonas Turunen, University of Vienna)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Modular Curves Rational Points and Diophantine Equations (10.11.2023, 10:15 bis 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Ekin Özman, Boğaziçi University)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Convexity and the sum-product problem (09.11.2023, 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Oliver Roche-Newton, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Spectral asymptotics of the Dirac operator on a thin shell (9.11.2023, 12:15 Uhr, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Diophantine Equations, Unlikely Intersections, and Uniformity (08.11.2023, 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Lars Kühne, University College Dublin)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Equidistribution in CM-Fields (08.11.2023, 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Martin Widmer, Royal Holloway University of London)
- Probevorlesung im Habilitationsverfahren: Der Kategoriensatz von Baire (08.11.2023, 10:30, Philipp Spruessel, Institut fuer Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Green's function and arithmetic (07.11.2023, 14:45 bis 15:45 Uhr, Dr. Yingkun Li, TU Darmstadt)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Mirror Symmetry for Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles (07.11.2023, 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Paul Ziegler, Universität Heidelberg)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Moments of L-functions (06.11.2023, 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Dr. Adrian Diaconu, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
- Kolloquium aus Analysis und Zahlentheorie: Optimal measures and point distributions on the sphere: energy and discrepancy (06.11.2023, 10:15 bis 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Dmitriy Bilyk, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
- Kolloquium zum 50. Geburtstag von Johann Brauchart (20.10.2023)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Graph reconstruction from small cards (Friday 13th October 12:30, Carla Groenland, TU Delft)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Majority bootstrap percolation on product graphs (Friday 6th October 12:30, Anna Geisler, Graz University of Technology)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The (second-)largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs (Friday 29th September 16:15-16:45, Joost Jorritsma, Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Combinatorics Seminar: q-Counting Set-Valued Tableaux (Friday 29th September 15:00-15:30, Alexander Lazar, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
- Combinatorics Seminar: SL(4) web bases from hourglass plabic graphs (Friday 29th September 13:15-13:45, Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas, TU Wien)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Perfect matchings in random sparsifications of Dirac hypergraphs (Friday 29th September 11:30-12:00, Vincent Pfenninger, University of Birmingham)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operator Theory: Spectral Estimates for Laplace operators, Geometry of Graphs, and Expanders (Donnerstag, 5.10.2023, 12:15 Uhr, Delio Mugnolo, Fernuniversität Hagen)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Dirac's type Problems for Hypergraphs (Thursday 28th September 15:30-16:00, José Diego Alvarado Morales, Universidade de São Paulo)
- Vortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG Tagung: Primes in arithmetic progressions to smooth moduli (21.09.2023, 16:30 bis 17:00 Uhr, Julia Stadlmann, University of Oxford)
- Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG Tagung: Density of rational points near manifolds (21.09.2023, 14 bis 15 Uhr, Damaris Schindler, Goettingen University)
- Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG-Tagung: Die Mathematik hinter künstlicher Intelligenz (21.9.2023, 18 Uhr, Philipp Grohs, Univ. Wien)
- Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG-Tagung: Stochastic Quantisation of Yang-Mills (Mi 20.9.2023, 09:00, Martin Hairer, EPFL)
- Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG-Tagung: Unit and distinct distances in typical norms (Mi 20.9.2023 10:30, Lisa Sauermann, Univ. Bonn)
- Vortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG Tagung: Implicit control for L´evy-type dividend-impulse problem (19.09.2023, 16 bis 16:30 Uhr, Zbigniew Palmowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
- Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG Tagung: Matrix Distributions and Insurance Risk Models (19.09.2023, 09:00 bis 10:00 Uhr, Hansjörg Albrecher, University of Lausanne)
- Kolloquium: Statistical Modeling and Data Science (21.09.; 27.09. und 29.09.2023)
- Österreichische Mathematikertagung 2023 (18.9.-22.9.2023)
- Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der ÖMG-Tagung: Convex bodies – barely floating (Fr 22.9.2023, 09:00, Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University)
- Seminarvortrag: On unified frameworks for optimal control and least squares problems (Dienstag, 8.8.2023, 10:00 Uhr, Dipl.-Ing. Richard Löscher, BSc, TU Graz)
- Seminarvortrag: Regular Approximation and T-Compatibility (Montag, 7.8.2023, 10.30 Uhr, Dr. Martin Halla, Universität Göttingen)
- Optimization Seminar: Quantum guesswork: a combinatorial instance of quantum hypothesis testing (4.8.2023, 10:00, Michele Dall'Arno, Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology)
- Vortrag: Über geometrische Eigenschaften von Banachräumen (2.8.2023, 12:30 Uhr, Bernhard Aigner)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Friday 7th July 15:00: Almost every matroid has a rank-3 wheel or rank-3 whirl as minor (7.7.2023, 15:00, Jorn van der Pol, University of Waterloo)
- Joint Seminar in Statistics and Econometrics: Valid Inference Based on Multivariate Data: Statistical Toolboxes Designed to Answer Global and Local Questions (6. Juli 2023, 17:00 h, Prof. Dr. ARNE BATHKE, University of Salzburg)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: The regular singular inverse problem in differential Galois theory (30.06.2023, 14:00 Uhr, Thomas Serafini, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Universality for degenerate graphs (Friday 30th June 12:30, Peter Allen, London School of Economics)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Arithmetic of cubic number fields: Jacobi–Perron, Pythagoras, and indecomposables (23.06.2023, 14:00, Magdaléna Tinková, Czech Technical University and TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The asymptotic number of tournament score sequences (Friday 23rd June 12:30, Brett Kolesnik, Oxford University)
- Geometry Seminar: Column-convex \{0,1\}-matrices, consecutive coordinate polytopes and flow polytopes (21.06.2023, 13:45 Uhr, GONZALEZ DE LEON Rafael Santiago, Loyola University Chicago)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Kolloquium aus Anlass des 60. Geburtstagesvon ao.-Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Frisch (16.06.2023)
- Vortrag: Non-local relativistic delta shell interactions (Donnerstag, 15.6.2023, 12:45 Uhr, Lukas HERIBAN, CTU Prague)
- Seminarvortrag: Echoes of the Klein paradox in approximations of the relativistic point interactions (Donnerstag, 15.6.2023, 12:15 Uhr, Matej TUSEK, CTU Prague)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Energy, Discrepancy, and Polarization of Greedy Sequences on the Sphere (07.06.2023, 14:15 Uhr, Dr. Ryan Matzke, Vanderbilt University)
- Geometry Seminar: Generalized Modules of Diagonal Harmonics, and Triangular Combinatorics (07.06.2023, 13:45 Uhr, Bergeron François, Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Partitioning cubic graphs into isomorphic linear forests (Friday 2nd June 12:30, Gal Kronenberg, Oxford University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Colouring hypergraphs with bounded codegree (Friday 26th May 12:30, Dong-Yeap Kang, Birmingham University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Second best approximations and the Lagrange spectrum (23.5.2023, 15:00, Dmitriy Gayfulin, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: Regularization and finite element error estimates for constrained optimal control problems with energy regularization (Freitag, 12.5.2023, 9:00 Uhr, Richard Löscher, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: Rational Points Near Hyper-Surfaces (Erinnerung) (12.05.2023, 14:00 Uhr, Niclas Technau, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Configurations of boxes (Friday 12th May 12:30, Istvan Tomon, Umeå University)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics: Optimal control of the heat equation in anisotropic Sobolev spaces (Donnerstag, 11.5.2023, 15:00 Uhr, Manuel Nestler, TU Graz)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics: A variational formulation and finite element approximations for intial value problems of some ordinary integro-differential equations (Donnerstag, 11.5.2023, 14:00 Uhr, Alexander Mikl, TU Graz)
- Optimization Seminar: User-Centered Diagnosis for Over-Constrained Problems (9.5. 2023, 16:15, Alexander Felfernig, Institut für Softwaretechnologie, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: ÄNDERUNG - Point evaluation in Paley—Wiener spaces (05.05.2023, 14:30 Uhr, Prof. Kristian Seip, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: The complexity landscape of multi-stage robust optimization (5.5. 2023, 11:00, Stefan Lendl, Universität Graz und s2 data & algorithms)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Operatortheorie: Some recent developments in Hardy-type inequalities (4.5.2023, 12:15 Uhr, Fritz Gesztesy, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA)
- Combinatorics Day (Friday 28th April)
- Strukturtheorie Seminar: Essential minimality of ratio-limit boundary for random walks (Tuesday, 25 April, 13:15, Dr. Adam Dor-On, Haifa University, Israel)
- Combinatorics Seminar: On the evolution of triangle-free graphs in the ordered regime (Friday 21st April 12:30, Matthew Jenssen, King's College London.)
- Combinatorics Seminar: An exponential improvement for diagonal Ramsey (Friday 24th March 12:30, Julian Sahasrabudhe, University of Cambridge)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Ramsey numbers upon vertex deletion (Friday 17th March 12:30, Yuval Wigderson, Tel Aviv University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The cop number of random hypergraphs (Friday 3rd March 12:30, Dominik Schmid, TU Graz)
- Joint Seminar in Statistics and Econometrics: Inference in PCA under weak identifiability (2. März 2023, 17:00 h, Prof. Davy Paindaveine, Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Asymptotics and limit theorems for horocycle ergodic integrals à la Ratner (28.02.2023, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Davide Ravotti, Universität Wien)
- Gastvortrag: Continuous and discrete dynamic topology (22.02.2022, 10:30 Uhr, Jānis Lazovskis, Riga Technical University, Riga Business School)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Recent work on van der Waerden’s conjecture (15.02.2023, 12:00 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Rainer Dietmann, Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Values of binary partition function represented by a sum of three squares (07.02.2023, 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Maciej Ulas, Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics: An adaptive least squares boundary element method for elliptic boundary value problems (Montag, 6.2.2023, 10:00 Uhr, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Olaf Steinbach, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics: Stability of space-time boundary element methods for 1D wave problems (Montag, 6.2.2023, 9:00 Uhr, Daniel Hoonhout, TU Delft)
- Graz-ISTA Number Theory Days (Thursday 2 February 2023, 13:30 - 17:15)
- Optimization Seminar: Group Assignment Problem on Intervals (Last problem from Gerhard) (1.2.2023, 10:30, Walter Unger, Fachbereich Informatik, RWTH Aachen)
- Optimization Seminar: Mathematical Modeling and Optimization in Energy Systems (30.1.2023, 16:15, Sonja Wogrin, Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: On the enumeration of planar maps with tight boundaries (Friday 27th January 12:15, Grégory Miermont, ENS Lyon)
- Combinatorics Seminar: A Random Hall-Paige Conjecture (Friday 20th January 12:15, Alexey Pokrovskiy, University College London)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Ringel's conjecture on tree-packing (Friday 13th January 12:15, Katherine Staden, Open University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Reducible automata and poly-context-free groups (Freitag, 13.1.2023, 14 Uhr c.t, Prof. Daniele D'Angeli, Univ. Cusano, Rom)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Towards a 1-dependent version of the Harris–Kesten theorem (Friday 16th December 12:15, Victor Falgas Ravry, Umeå University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Number Theory Day (Update) (15.12.2022, 15:00 Uhr)
- Rigorosum: Algebraic and Arithmetic Properties of Generalized Polynomial Rings (14.12.2022, 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr, Mag. Daniel Windisch, Technische Universität Graz)
- Optimization Seminar: Solutions of optimal diversity (13.12.2022, 16:00, Günter Rote, Institut für Informatik, FU Berlin; aktuell Gast am ISTA)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens: Topological aspects of random discrete objects (05.12.2022, 16:00 - 17:00, Philipp Sprüssel, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik)
- Combinatorics Seminar (CHANGED DATE): Degree sequences of random uniform hypergraphs (Friday 2nd December 12:15, Tamás Makai, LMU München)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: High and low temperature limits of random matrices and random partitions (30.11.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Cesar Cuenca, Harvard University)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Decomposition problems (30.11.2022, 08:45 Uhr, Matija Bucic, Princeton University)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Combinatorial generation — challenges and recent advances (29.11.2022, 09:00 Uhr, Torsten Mütze, Warwick University)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Combinatorial and probabilistic analysis of large discrete objects (28.11.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Michael Wallner, TU Wien)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Fringe subtrees and additive functionals: recurring themes in the study of random trees (25.11.2022, 13:30 Uhr, Stephan Wagner, Universität Uppsala)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Asymptotic and Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms: From Divide and Conquer to Regular Sequences (25.11.2022, 09:00 Uhr, Clemens Heuberger, AAU Klagenfurt)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Asymptotic analysis of random discrete structures (24.11.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Benedikt Stufler, TU Wien)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Combinatorics of circle squaring (24.11.2022, 09:00 Uhr, Oleg Pikhurko, Warwick University)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Constructing large sets avoiding certain structure (23.11.2022, 08:45 Uhr, Christian Elsholtz, TU Graz)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Graph expansion and discrete isoperimetrical problems (23.11.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Joshua Erde, TU Graz)
- Miniworkshop: Space-Time Methods (Montag, 21.11.2022)
- Combinatorics Seminar (Updated topic): On the cover time of random walks on graphs (Friday 18th November 14:15 (Note : Old time), Nathanaël Berestycki, University of Vienna)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Twisted Lang-Weil estimates and definable quotients (18.11.2022, 14:00 Uhr, Prof. Martin Hils, Universität Münster)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Rational Points on Quotients of Modular Curves by Atkin-Lehner Involutions (18.11.2022, 9:00 Uhr, Prof. Nikola Adžaga, University of Zagreb)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Diversity in Rationally Parameterized Fields (16.11.2021, 11:00 Uhr, Benjamin Klahn MSc, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Distinguishing one community from many communities (Friday 11th November 12:15 (Note : New time), Fiona Skerman, Uppsala University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The cluster expansion and combinatorics (Friday 4th November 14:15, Will Perkins, Georgia Tech)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Avoiding right angles and certain Hamming distances (2.11.2020, 11:00, Péter Pál Pach, BME Budapest)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Moderate deviation results for arithmetic progressions and graphs (Friday 28th October 14:15, Simon Griffiths, PUC-Rio)
- Kolloquium aus Anlass der Emeritierung von Wolfgang Woess (24.10.2022, ab 13:10)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Nearly all $k$-SAT functions are unate (Friday 21st October 14:15, Yufei Zhao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Optimization Seminar: The robust bilevel selection problem (18.10.2022, 15:00, Dorothee Henke, TU Dortmund; currently TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Monochromatic components with many edges (Friday 14th October 14:15, Mykhaylo Tyomkyn, Charles University Prague)
- Miniworkshop: Analysis and Numerics of Optimal Control Problems (19.10.2022, 14:00, Fredi Tröltzsch, Olaf Steinbach, Richard Löscher, Ulrich Langer, TU Berlin, TU Graz, JKU Linz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Connecting numbers with knots through sphere packings (23.9.2022, 11:00, Ivan Rasskin, TU Graz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On the Riemann zeta-function, Fourier optimization and quadratic forms (23.9.2022, 10:00, Emily Quesada-Herrera, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: Contrast estimation of time-varying infinite memory processes (Donnerstag, 13.10.2022, 17:00 h, Olivier Wintenberger, Sorbonne Université Paris)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Normal Reflection Subgroups of Complex Reflection Groups (11.08.2021, 11:00 Uhr, Carlos Arreche, The University of Texas at Dallas)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: What can Poisson summation do for you? (27.7.2022, 11:00, Niclas Technau, California Institute of Technology, USA)
- Geometry Seminar: Unique Sink Orientations of Grids is in Unique End of Potential Line (20.7.2022, 15:00, Michaela Borzechowski, FU Berlin)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Groups acting on trees from finite permutation groups (Donnerstag, 7.7.2022, 11:00 s.t., Stephan Tornier, University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Mathematik Workshop: Workshop im Rahmen des FWF-Projekts ArithRand (01.07.2022 bis 02.07.2022)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Turán densities of tight cycles (Friday 24th June 14:15, Shoham Letzter, University College London)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: A central limit theorem for partitions in small powers (21.06.2022, 16:30 Uhr, Prof. Manfred G. Madritsch, Universit\'e de Lorraine)
- Combinatorics Seminar: A unified Erdős-Pósa theorem for cycles in graphs labelled by multiple abelian groups (Friday 10th June 14:15, Pascal Gollin, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Daejeon)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Longest Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs and Where to Find Them (Friday 3rd June 14:15, Michael Anastos, Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Combinatorics of moment-to-cumulants formulae in free probability (Donnerstag, 2.6.2022, 11:00 s.t., Yannic Vargas, Universität Potsdam)
- Vortrag: Waiting for better times: Dividend optimisation with a negative preference rate (2. Juni 2022, 16:15 - 17:00 Uhr, Leonie Brinker, Department Mathematik/Informatik der Universität zu Köln)
- CHANGED ROOM : Combinatorics Seminar: Average complexity of matrix reduction for clique filtrations (Friday 20th May 14:15, Michael Kerber, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: A phase transition for tails of free multiplicative convolution powers (Donnerstag, 19.5.2022, 11:00 s.t., Kamil Szpojankowski, Politechnika Warszawska)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Covering random graphs with monochromatic components (Friday 13th May 14:15, Matija Bucić, Princeton University)
- SONDERTERMIN Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Long range random walks on groups of polynomial growth (Montag, 9.5.2022, 15:00 s.t.!, Prof. Laurent Saloff-Coste, Cornell University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: List-decoding for Reed-Solomon codes (Friday 6th May 15:15 (Irregular time), Lisa Sauermann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Geburtstagskolloquium Prof. Elsholtz (06.05.2022)
- GEÄNDERTE UHRZEIT: Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Erdös-Ko-Rado theorems for permutation groups (Donnerstag, 5.5.2022, 10:00 s.t. !!, Prof. Pablo Spiga, Univ. Milano-Bicocca)
- Geometric Colloquium: Gromov-Hausdorff distances, Borsuk-Ulam theorems, and Vietoris-Rips complexes (05.05.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Henry Adams, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Colorado State University)
- Geometrisches Seminar: Greedy generation for Hamilton paths in rectangulations, elimination trees and matroids (04.05.2022, 15:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr, Mag. Arturo MERINO, TU Berlin)
- Optimization Seminar: Mobile health care services and the budgeted colored matching problem (3.5.2022, 14:15, Corinna Mathwieser, RWTH Aachen)
- Vortrag: Relative perturbation bounds with applications to empirical covariance operators (12. Mai 2022, 17:00 h, Moritz Jirak, Institut für Statistik und Operations Research, Universität Wien)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Best response dynamics in random graphs (Friday 8th April 14:15, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Birmingham University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Changes in digits of primes (08.04.2022, 15:15 Uhr, Dr. Kübra Benli, Universit\'{e} de Lorraine (Nancy))
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Universal Skolem Sets (08.04.2022, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Florian Luca, University of Witwatersrand)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Hyperbolic Voronoi percolation (Friday 1st April 14:15, Tobias Müller, Groningen University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Limits of Latin squares (Friday 25th March 14:15, Frederik Garbe, Masaryk University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Exact values of exponential Følner functions and the Coulhon – Saloff-Coste inequality (Donnerstag, 24.3.2022, 11:00 s.t., Dr. Bogdan Stankov, Univ. Lyon 1)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Uniform spanning trees of dense graphs (Friday 18th March 14:15, Asaf Nachmias, Tel Aviv University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: A Szemerédi-type theorem for non translation-invariant configurations and linear equations in subsets of the primes (11.03.2022, 15:00, Pierre Bienvenu, Ph.D, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Size Ramsey Numbers (Thursday 10th March 16:30 (Irregular date and time), Jacob Fox, Stanford University)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Counting regular hypergraphs (Friday 4th March 14:15, Nina Kamčev, University of Zagreb)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Boundary and Curvature on Graphs (Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, 16:00 s.t. - NOTE SPECIAL TIME !, Prof. Stefan Steinerberger, University of Washington, Seattle)
- Habilitationsvortrag: Spectral analysis of non-self-adjoint operators (11. März 2022, 13:00 Uhr, Dr. Petr Siegl, TU Graz)
- Optimization Seminar: On the Recoverable TSP (February 4, 2022, 13:00 (on time), Lasse Wulf, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Maps of unfixed genus and blossoming trees (Friday 28th January 14:15, Éric Fusy, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: An epidemic model in inhomogeneous environment (Donnerstag, 20.1.2022, 11:00 s.t., Prof. Daniela Bertacchi, Univ. Milano-Bicocca)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Recent progress on size Ramsey numbers (Thursday 20th January 17:00 (Irregular date and time), David Conlon, California Institute of Technology)
- 2. Vortrag: Term Structure Modeling and the Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives under Volatility Uncertainty (15:15 - 17:00 h, Julian Hölzermann, Universität Bielefeld)
- 1. Vortrag: Scalarized utility-based multi-asset risk measures (Mittwoch, 19. Jänner 2022, 15:15 - 17:00 h, Christian Laudagé, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The birth of the strong components (Friday 14th January 14:15, Stephan Wagner, Uppsala University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Counting extinction probabilities of branching processes (Donnerstag, 13.1.2022, 11:00 s.t., Prof. Fabio Zucca, Politecnico di Milano)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The jump of the clique chromatic number of random graphs (Friday 17th December 14:15, Dieter Mitsche, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Infinite graphs from fractals (Donnerstag, 16.12.2021, 14:00 s.t. (!!), Prof. Daniele D'Angeli, Univ. Cusano, Rom)
- Doctoral Program Discrete Mathematics: Discrete Mathematics Day (Friday 10th December 10:00-15:00)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Friendly bisections of random graphs (Friday 3rd December 14:15, Matthew Kwan, IST Austria)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Pillai's problem in function fields (03.12.2021, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Sebastian Heintze, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: The structure of infinite primitive permutation groups (Donnerstag, 2.12.2021, 11:00 s.t., Simon M. Smith, University of Lincoln, U.K.)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The scaling limit of a critical random directed graph (Friday 26th November 14:15, Christina Goldschmidt, University of Oxford)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Triangle factors and squares of Hamilton cycles in randomly perturbed graphs (Friday 12th November 14:15, Julia Böttcher, London School of Economics)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Universal planar graphs (Donnerstag, 11.11.2021, 11:00 s.t., Florian Thomas (Lehner), TU Graz)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Quasirandom combinatorial structures and extremal combinatorics (Friday 5th November 14:15, Daniel Kráľ, Masaryk University)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Stochastic differential equations with irregular coefficients: mind the gap! (Update) (05.11.2021, 14:00 Uhr, Michaela Szoelgyenyi, Universität Klagenfurt)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Quasiisometric embeddings of treebolic spaces (Thursday, November 4, 2021, 11:00 on time, Patrick Nairne, Oxford)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Satisfiability of random linear systems (Friday 29nd October 14:15, Amin Coja-Oghlan, TU Dortmund)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Spanning $F$-cycles in random graphs (Friday 22nd October 14:15, Yury Person, TU Ilmenau)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Multitrees in random graphs (Friday 15th October 14:15, Alan Frieze, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Ratio limits and Martin boundary (Donnerstag, 14.10.2021, 13:30, Wolfgang Woess, TU Graz)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Problems in directional discrepancy (Update) (12.10.2021, 14 Uhr, Michelle Mastrianni MSc, University of Minnesota)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Obstructions for graphs of linear rank-width at most $k$ (Friday 8th October 14:15, Sang-il Oum, IBS/KAIST)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Asymptotic Enumeration and Limit Laws for Multisets (Friday 1st October 14:15, Konstantinos Panagiotou, LMU München)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The longest induced path in a sparse random graph (Friday 24th September 14:15, Stefan Glock, ETH Zürich)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Finding and using large subexpanders (Friday 17th September 14:15, Hong Liu, University of Warwick)
- Geometrisches Kolloquium (19.8.2021, 14:00-16:15)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium (Update): Sum-full sets are not zero-sum-free (22.07.2021, 10:15 Uhr, Prof. Peter Pal Pach, Universität Budapest)
- Rigorosum: Polynomial functions on rings of dual numbers (15.07.2021, 15:00, Amr Ali Abdulkader Al-Maktry, MSc, TU Graz)
- Master-Seminar: Edwards and Montgomery Curves (14.7.2021, 14:15, Thomas Hochreiter, TU Graz)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Reguläre Sprachen auf Graphen (Donnerstag, 1.7.2021, 11:15, Herwig Höhenberger, TU Graz)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Physik: Acoustic resonant frequencies in the asymptotic regime of high-contrast inclusions (29.6.2021, 16.00, Andrea Mantile, Universite de Reims)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Physik: Harmonic analysis methods in spectral theory (29.6.2021, 14.00, Jean-Claude Cuenin, Loughborough University)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Physik: Resolvent estimates for Schrödinger operators with complex potentials (29.6.2021, 10.00, Petr Siegl, Queen's University Belfast)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Physik: Variations of canonical measures: Riemann surfaces, graphs and hybrid curves (28.6.2021, 13.00, Noema Nicolussi, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Physik: Singular boundary conditions for Sturm–Liouville operators via perturbation theory (28.6.2021, 10.00, Dale Frymark, Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: The geometry of Schatten p-classes (Fr 25.6.2021 13:00, Joscha Prochno, KFU Graz)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Random growth processes: long-time behavior, non-equilibrium dynamics and competition (Thu 24.6.2021 15:30, Alexandre Stauffer, Univ. Bath / Univ. Roma Tre)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Hypergraph matchings with constraints (Thu 24.6.2021, 13:00, Felix Joos, Univ. Heidelberg)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Interfaces in percolation theory (Wed 23.6.2021, 15:30, Agelos Georgakopoulos, Univ. Warwick)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Combinatorial and probabilistic growth models (Di 22.6.2021, 13:00, Ecaterina Sava-Huss, Univ. Innsbruck)
- Colloquium Discrete Mathematics and Probability: Finite and Descriptive Combinatorics (21.6.2021, 13:00, Oleg Pikhurko, Univ. Warwick)
- Colloquium: Discrete Mathematics and Probability (21.-25.6.2021)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Counting Quadratic Points on Surfaces (Friday, 18.6.2021, 15:15, Nick Rome, University of Michigan)
- DK-colloquium: The cost of automorphism breaking (Friday, June 18, 11:00; virtual coffee break at 10:30, Prof. Wilfried Imrich, MU Leoben)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: The structure of vertex-transitive graphs, and applications to probability (Thursday, 17 June 2021, 11:00 on time, Dr. Matthew Tointon, University of Bristol)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Universal quadratic forms, small norms and traces in families of number fields (Friday, 11.6.2021, 15:15, Magdaléna Tinková, Charles University, Prague)
- Combinatorics Seminar: Majority dynamics on sparse random graphs (Friday 11th June 14:15, Joonkyung Lee, University College London)
- Combinatorics Seminar: The effect of VC-dimension on sunflowers (Friday 4th June 14:15, Janos Pach, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens: Das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon (Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 9:00 bis 9:45, Florian THOMAS, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: POTENTIAL THEORY WITH MULTIVARIATE KERNELS (31.05.2021, 14 Uhr, Ryan Matzke, University of Minnesota)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Solving polynomial equations in many variables in primes (Friday, 28.5.2021, 15:15, Shuntaro Yamagishi, Universiteit Utrecht)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Common subsequences between random words of very unequal length (Friday 28th May 14:30 (Irregular start time), Boris Bukh, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar / Seminarium z Dyskretnej Analizy Harmonicznej: Cyclic Boolean independence (27.05.2021, 10:30 s.t., Franz Lehner, Technische Universität Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung:: Graph Pruning and its Application in Automatic Location Graph Construction (25.5.2021, 9:00 (on time), Berhard Geiger and Christoph Schweimer, Know-Center Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: A sharp threshold for Ramsey's theorem (Friday 21st May 14:15, Wojciech Samotij, Tel Aviv University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Boundary behaviour of $\lambda$-polyharmonic functions on regular trees (Thursday, 20 May 2021, 11:45 ON TIME, Wolfgang Woess, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Different angles of a defender-attacker-defender game in a graph (18.5.2021, 16:00 on time, Margarida Carvalho, University of Montreal)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar / Seminarium z Dyskretnej Analizy Harmonicznej: Energy of graphs and vertices (06.05.2021, 11:00 s.t., Octavio Arizmendi Echegaray, CIMAT Guanajuato and Saarbrücken)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Extremal problems for multigraphs (Friday 30th April 14:15, Andrew Treglown, University of Birmingham)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Heaps of Pieces (Donnerstag, 29.4.2021, 11:00 püntklich (s.t.), Martin Stoiber, TU Graz)
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens: The Hahn-Banach Theorem (Fr. 23.4.2021, 11:00, Joshua Erde, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Sharp thresholds and applications to extremal combinatorics (Friday 23rd April 14:15, Eoin Long, University of Birmingham)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Einführung der Abbildungsklassengruppe, Teil 2 (Donnerstag, 22.4.2021, 11:00 püntklich (s.t.), Matthias Müller, TU + KFU Graz)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Einführung der Abbildungsklassengruppe (Donnerstag, 15.04.2021, 11:00 püntklich (s.t.), Matthias Müller, TU + KFU Graz)
- Habilitationsvortrag: On hyperplane arrangements (26.03.2021, 14:00 Uhr, C. Ceballos Lopez, Institut für Geometrie, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Large independent sets from local considerations (Friday 26th March 14:15, Benny Sudakov, ETH, Zürich)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Confined random processes and Galois theory of difference equations (Thursday, 25 March 2021, 11:00 on time, Dr. Kilian Raschel, Univ. Tours)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Flat Littlewood Polynomials Exist (Friday 19th March 16:30, Rob Morris, IMPA)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: The spectra of principal submatrices of rotationally invariant hermitian random matrices and the Markov–Krein correspondence (Thursday, 18. March 2021, 11:00 on time, Takahiro Hasebe, Hokkaido University)
- Algebra Kolloqium: Split absolutely irreducible integer-valued polynomials over a DVR (12.03.2021, 16 -16:55 Uhr, Sarah Nakato, Graz University of Technology)
- Algebra Kolloqium: Rings of Integer-Valued Rational Functions (12.03.2021, 15 -15:55 Uhr, Baian Liu, The Ohio State University)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Prague dimension of random graphs (Friday 12th March 14:15, Lutz Warnke, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: On the isomorphism problem for virtually free groups (Thursday, 11. March 2021, 11:00 on time, Dr. Armin Weiß, Institut für Formale Methoden der Informatik, Univ. Stuttgart)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Knights and Liars on Graphs (22.2.2021, 10:00 (on time), Paul Tabatabai, Polymer Competence Center Leoben)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: On the complexity of the bilevel minimum spanning tree problem (15.2.2021, 10:00 (on time), Dorothee Henke, University of Dortmund)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Robust Combinatorial Optimization with Locally Budgeted Uncertainty (8.2.2021, 10:00 (on time), Stefan Lendl, University of Graz)
- Postponed - Strukturtheorie-Seminar: TALK POSTPONED Causal discovery for deterministic dynamical systems (Thursday, 4.Feb 2021, 11:00 on time, Prof. András Telcs, TU Budapest and Univ. Veszprém)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture is true for $C_5$-free graphs (Friday 29th January 14:15 (New meeting link), Alex Scott, University of Oxford)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Distribution of primitive lattices and flags of lattices in Z^n (Friday, 22.01.2021, 15:15, Tal Horesh, IST Austria)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Thresholds (Friday 22nd January 14:15, Bhargav Narayanan, Rutgers University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Geodesics and visual boundary of horospherical products (Thursday, 21.Jan. 2021, 11:00 on time, Dr. Tom Ferragut, Univ. Montpellier)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Divisible subdivisions (Friday 15th January 14:15, Michael Krivelevich, Tel Aviv University)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: A Cantor-Bernstein-type theorem for spanning trees in infinite graphs (Friday 8th January 14:15, Joshua Erde, TU Graz, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Markovian linearization of random walks on groups (Thursday, 17.Dec.2020, 11:00 on time, Bastien Dubail, ENS Lyon)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Manin's conjecture for surfaces and their symmetric squares (Freitag, 11.12.2020, 15:15, Julian Lyczak, IST Austria)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Resilience for Hamiltonicity in random hypergraphs (Friday 11th December 14:15, Olaf Parczyk, London School of Economics)
- Special invited colloquium: Mathematical Philosophy (Friday, 11.Dec.2020, 11:00 on time, Prof. DDr. Hannes Leitgeb, Universität München)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Random walks on dense subgroups (Thursday, 10.Dec.2020, 11:00 on time, Dr. Hanna Oppelmayer, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Edit distances to graphs with no induced cycles of a set length (Friday 4th December 13:30, Richard Mycroft, University of Birmingham)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Patterns in sets of positive density on trees and buildings (Thursday, 3.Dec.2020, 11:00 on time, Prof. James Parkinson, University of Sydney)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Stability from symmetrisation arguments (Friday 27th November 14:15, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: A solution to Erdős and Hajnal's odd cycle problem (Friday 20th November 14:15, Richard Montgomery, University of Birmingham)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: The geometry of branching random walk at the recurrence threshold (Thursday, 19.Nov.2020, 11:00 on time, Dr. Tom Hutchcroft, University of Cambridge)
- Lehrprobe im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens: Färbungen und die Symmetriegruppe des Würfels (Freitag, 13.11.2020, 13:00 Uhr, Dr. Michael Wibmer, TU Graz)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: Tree structure in combinatorial objects (Friday 13th November 11:00, Joshua Erde, TU Graz, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Distribution of tree parameters via martingale Central Limit Theorem (Friday 13th November 14:15, Mikhail Isaev, Monash University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Star automaton groups and graphs (Thursday, 12.Nov.2020, 11:00 on time, Doz. Dr. Daniele D'Angeli, Univ. Cusano, Rome)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Flip processes on finite graph and dynamical systems they induce on graphons (Friday 6th November 14:15, Jan Hladky, Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Limit behaviour of random walks on Schreier and Cayley graphs (Thursday, 5.Nov.2020, 11:00 on time, Dr. Bogdan Stankov, ENS Paris)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Three recreational tales (Thursday, 29 October 2020, 11:30, Dr. Florian Lehner (Thomas), TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Decompositions of Hypergraphs (Friday 23rd October 14:15, Felix Joos, Universität Heidelberg)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: WEIGHTED GRAPHS OVER ORDERED FIELDS (Thursday, 22 October 2020, 13:00 on time, Dr. Anna Muranova, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: Hopf Algebras and Diagonal Harmonics (16.10.2010, 11:00, Cesar Ceballos, Inst. f. Geometrie, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Operator algebras for random walks (Thursday, 15 October 2020, 10:30, Dr. Adam Dor-On, University of Copenhagen)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On the maximum of inclomplete Kloosterman sums (08.10.2020, 14:30 Uhr, Dr. Dante Bonolis, IST Wien)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Cutvertices in random planar maps (Friday 16th October 14:15, Benedikt Stufler, TU Wien)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Non-concentration of the chromatic number and the Zig-zag conjecture (Friday 2nd October 14:15, Annika Heckel, Department Mathematik, LMU München)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Monotone chains in multiplicative sets (12.08.2020, 14:30 Uhr, Dr. Oleksiy Klurman, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Dirichlet Series with Periodic Coefficients and their Value-Distribution near the Critical Line (17.7.2020, 13:30, Athanasios Sourmelidis, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Keeping a graph connected via nonpreemptive edge scheduling (Maximizing the minimum load time in a graphic matroid) (2.7.2020, 16:15 (talk), 15:50-16:15 informal chat, Lasse Wulf, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Planar Cayley graphs and Kleinian groups (Wednesday, July 1st, 2020, 16:15 (virtual coffee break beginning 15:45), Prof. Agelos Georgakopoulos, University of Warwick)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Some combinatorial aspects of pop-stack sorting (25.6.2020, 15:00 (talk), informal chat starts at 14:50, Andrei Asinowski, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Klagenfurt)
- UPDATE: Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Cayley-Abels graphs of totally disconnected locally compact groups (Wednesday 10 June 2020, 16:15 (virtual coffee break beginning 15:45), Prof. Rögnvaldur Möller + Dr. Waltraud Lederle, University of Iceland + Université Catholique de Louvain)
- Probevortrag Habilitationsverfahren: Der Fundamentalsatz der Algebra (27.05.2020, 16:00, Oliver Cooley, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Poisson type limit theorems for a noncommutative independence associated with positive symmetric cones (Mittwoch, 13.5.2020, 16:15, Lahcen Oussi, Intitut für Diskrete Mathematik, TU Graz)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Hypergraph containers with applications in discrete geometry (17.04.2020, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Oliver Roche-Newton, RICAM, Linz, Austria)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Minimality of the rock-salt structure and Universal Optimality for multi-component lattice systems (20.03.2020, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Laurent Betermin, Universität Wien)
- Colloquium of the Institute of Discrete Mathematics: Infinite bridges for tree-valued Markov chains (Wednesday, 11 March 2020, 16:15, Prof. Anton WAKOLBINGER, Universität Frankfurt)
- Selection procedure for assistant position: Short talks by several candidates (29 + 30. + 31.1.2020, afternoon, K. Heuer / K. Kolesko / A. Muranova / C. Alves / F. Tonti)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: How to quantify the randomness of a real-valued sequence? (28.1.2020, 13:30, Niclas Technau, Tel Aviv University)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens: Linear differential equations and difference algebraic groups (24.01.2020, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Michael Wibmer, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: Statistical methods and risk modeling in insurance companies (Freitag, 24. Jänner 2020, 15:15 Uhr, Sanela Omerovic, FMA, Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Suprema in spectral spaces and density (17.01.2020, 15 Uhr c.t., Carmelo A. Finocchiaro, University of Catania)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: BOUNDED EXPONENTIAL SUMS (17.01.2020, 14:00 Uhr, Reynold Fregoli, Royal Holloway University of London)
- Geometrie-Seminar: Using multi-cover persistent homology as a fingerprint for periodic crystals (Thursday 16.1.2020, 10:30, Theresa Heiss, ISTA)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: On the Skolem Problem for parametric families of linear recurrence sequences and some G.C.D. problems (16.01.2020, 14:00 Uhr, Alina Ostafe, The University of New South Wales)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Cycles in random planar graphs (Friday 10th January 14:15, Michael Missethan, TU Graz)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Proportionally dense subgraphs of maximum size (17.12. 2019, 9:30, Cl{\´e}ment Dallard, University of Primorska, Slovenia)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Approximation of probability measures by curves of finite length (13.12.2019, 15:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Martin Ehler, Universität Wien)
- DK Discrete Mathematics: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS DAY (Friday, 13.12.2019, 10:00-15:15)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: n points on the projective line (06.12.2019, 14:00 Uhr, Univ. Prof. Dr. Herwig Hauser, Universität Wien)
- Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Bilevel Knapsack Problems in a Stackelberg Model (6.12.2019, 12:15, Ulrich Pferschy, Institut für Statistik und Operations Research, Universität Graz)
- Einladung zum Vortrag: Stochastic Impulse Control: Recent Progress and Applications (Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019, 14:15 Uhr, Christoph Belak, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin)
- Einladung zum Seminar: Prediction when fitting simple models to high-dimensional data (Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2019, 17:15 Uhr, Hannes Leeb, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Vienna)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Badly Approximable Numbers on Fractals (29.11.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Roland Prohaska, ETH Zürich)
- Probevortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: Markovketten und elektrische Netzwerke (Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019, ACHTUNG BEGINNT BEREITS UM 12:15 Uhr!, Ecaterina Sava-Huss, University of Innsbruck)
- Probevortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: Markovketten und elektrische Netzwerke (Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019, 13:00 Uhr, Ecaterina Sava-Huss, University of Innsbruck)
- Minikolloquium on Random Processes (Donnerstag 28.11.2019 ab 11:00 s.t., Vitali Wachtel / Stjepan Šebek / Wojciech Cygan, Univ. Augsburg / TU Graz / TU Dresden)
- Vortrag: Fitting non-stationary Cox processes: an application to fire insurance data (Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2019, 16:00 Uhr, José Carlos Araujo-Acuna, Université de Lausanne)
- Kolloquium: Mathematische Methoden in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften: Optimal and Feedback Control of some Reaction-Diffusion Equations (Donnerstag, 14.11.2019, 16:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Fredi Tröltzsch, Technische Universität Berlin)
- Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft + Institut für Diskrete Mathematik (Freitag 22.11.2019, 10:00-17:30, Tag der Mathematik + Mathematisches Kolloquium)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces (Friday 22nd November 13:45-14:30, Benny Sudakov, ETH Zürich)
- Einladung zum Seminar: Bayesian Effect Selection in Structured Additive Distributional Regression Models (Donnerstag, 28. November 2019, 17:15 Uhr, Helga Wagner, IFAS, Johannes Kepler University Linz)
- Kurzvorträge im Rahmen des Auswahlverfahrens: Angewandte Geometrie (Donnerstag 14.11.2019)
- Kurzvorträge im Rahmen des Auswahlverfahrens: Angewandte Geometrie (Mittwoch 13.11.2019)
- Kurzvorträge im Rahmen des Auswahlverfahrens: Angewandte Geometrie (Dienstag 12.11.2019)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Integral points on Markoff surfaces (08.11.2019, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Vladimir Mitankin, Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: On the effective impedance of networks (7.11.2019, 11:00 s.t., Anna Muranova, Univ. Bielefeld)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Cichoń's Diagram and the cardinality of the continuum (25.10.2019, 14:00 (13:30 Buffet vor dem HS), Prof. Dr. Martin Goldstern, TU Wien)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Self-adjoint and Markovian extensions of quantum graphs (Donnserstag, 24.10.2019, 11 Uhr c.t., Aleksey Kostenko, Universitäten Wien und Ljubljana)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Embedding large minors in weak expanders and in sparse random graphs (Freitag 18.10.2019, 14:15, Michael Krivelevich, Tel Aviv University)
- FoE-Kolloquium: Computational Topology in Shape and Data Analysis (16.10.2019, 14:00, Tamal Dey, Ohio State University)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Concentration properties of the height and fill-up-level of digital search trees (Freitag 11.10.2019, 14:15, Michael Drmota, TU Wien)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Random Diophantine equations (08.10.2019, 15:00, Prof. Timothy Browning, IST Austria)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Second irrationality measure functions and Diophantine Spectra (Donnerstag, 3. 10. 2019, 9:30 UhrACHTUNG VORVERLEGUNG DER BEGINNZEIT, Prof. Dr. Nikolay Moshchevitin, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
- Hearing für die Besetzung der Senior Scientist Stelle 5040/19/013: Non-smooth Optimization (2.10.2019, 17:00 Uhr, Dr. Victor Kovtunenko, Universität Graz)
- Hearing für die Besetzung der Senior Scientist Stelle 5040/19/013: On Differential Operators with Singular Interactions (2.10.2019, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Markus Holzmann, Technische Universität Graz)
- Gast-Vorlesung: Mathematical Modelling in Medicine - The Medical Perspective (Montags und Mittwochs, 14:15-16:00 Uhr, Jeremi Mizerski, Warschau, Polen)
- Gastvortrag: Decomposition of Persistence Modules (26.09.2019, 14:00, Magnus Botnan, Vrije University Amsterdam)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Equidistribution of random walks (Freitag, 20.9.2019, 14:00, Bence Borda, TU Graz)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Target Set Selection Parameterized by Clique-Width and Maximum Threshold (3.9.2019, 14:15, Tim Hartmann, Lehrstuhl für Informatik 1, RWTH Aachen)
- Miniworkshop on Space-Time Methods (Mittwoch, 21.8.2019, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Arithmetic progressions in binary quadratic forms and norm forms (Mittwoch, 7. 8. 2019, 14:00, Christopher Frei, University of Manchester)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On some unlikely intersections for values and orbits of rational functions (Dienstag, 23. 7. 2019, 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Alina Ostafe, UNSW Sydney)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Higher-rank Bohr sets and multiplicative Diophantine approximation (Friday, 19.7.2019, 13:30, Niclas Technau, Tel Aviv University)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Finiteness results on a certain class of modular forms and applications (Friday, 19.7.2019, 14:30, Soumya Bhattacharya, TU Graz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Correlation of multiplicative functions over function field (Dienstag, 16. 7. 2019, 11:00, Dr. Pranendu Darbar, CIT Chennai, India)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Counting points of given degree via the height zeta function (Donnerstag, 11. 07. 2019, 14:00, Dr. Kevin Destagnol, IST Austria)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Galois groups of differential equations (Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Michael Wibmer, TU Graz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: An overview on Arboreal Galois representations (Dienstag, 18. 6. 2019, 13:30 Uhr, Dr. Andrea Ferraguti, Max Planck Institut, Bonn)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Machine learning in Finance (Freitag, 14. 6. 2019, 14:00 Uhr c.t., Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann, ETH Zürich)
- Number Theory Seminar: Large Oscillations of the Argument of the Riemann Zeta-function (Wednesday, 12.6.2019, 13:00, Kamalakshya Mahatab, NTNU Trondheim)
- Intensive course on Advanced Analytic Combinatorics: Advanced methods in analytic combinatorics (Dienstag 11.6., 14:15-16:00 und Dienstag 18.6., 14:15-16:00, Wenjie Fang, TU Graz)
- Seminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik: On self-adjoint boundary conditions for singular Sturm-Liouville operators (6.6.2019, 14:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Fritz Gesztesy, Baylor University, Waco, Texas)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: On the exponents of extremal numbers (Dienstag 4.6.2019, 14:15, Jaehoon Kim, University of Warwick)
- Number Theory Seminar: On Markov numbers (Tuesday, 28.5.2019, 11:15, Buket Eren Gökmen, Galatasaray University, Istanbul)
- Vortrag: Capture-recapture for population size estimation based upon zero-truncated count distributions with one-inflation (28.05.2019, 17:15 Uhr, Dankmar Böhning, Statistical Sciences Research Institute, University of Southampton/UK)
- Student Workshop: Approximation Theory and Applications (24.5.2019, 14:00)
- Seminarvortrag: Best Estimate Berechnung und Validierung in der Lebensversicherung (24.05.2019, 14:15, Simon Hochgerner, FMA - Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich)
- Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen eines Habilitationsverfahrens: High-dimensional connectedness: cores and components (Freitag 24.5.2019, 11:00, Oliver Cooley, TU Graz, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik)
- Seminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik: Maxwell, Dirac and their connection via Picard (22.5.2019, 11:00 Uhr, Dr. Marcus Waurick, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Non-uniform random simplicial complexes (Dienstag 21.5.2019, 14:15, Philipp Sprüssel, TU Graz)
- Number Theory Seminar: Khintchine's theorem with extra divergence instead of monotonicity (Tuesday, 21.5.2019, 11:15., Laima Kaziulyte, TU Graz)
- Seminarvortrag: Counterpart Default Risk in the Solvency 2 Standard Formula (17.05.2019, 15:15, Mihael Perman, University of Ljubljana)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Local statistics of sqrt(n) mod 1 and related problems (Freitag, 17. 5. 2019, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Daniel El-Baz, Max Planck Institut, Bonn)
- Konferenz: Austrian Numerical Analysis Day 2019 (9.-10.5.2019)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Selected Cases of Vehicle Routing – From a Real World Application to a Machine Learning Based Approach (7.5.2019, 14:15, Nikolaus Furian, Institut für Maschinenbau- und Betriebsinformatik, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Rational Embeddings of Hyperbolic Groups (7.5.2019, 11 Uhr c.t., Dr. Francesco Matucci, Università Bicocca Milano)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On abelian cubic polynomials (Dienstag, 30. 4. 2019, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Stanley Yao Xiao, University of Toronto)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Central Limit Theorem for the capacity of the range of stable random walks (Thursday, 25. April 2019, 15:15, Dr. Stjepan Šebek, Univ. Zagreb)
- Seminar talk: Connectivity of the Flip-Graph of Triangulations (10.4.2019, 10:15, Emo Welzl, ETH Zurich and IST Austria)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On the GCD of n and the n-th Fibonacci number (Freitag, 29.3.2019, 14:00, Paolo Leonetti, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Jacobi Polynomials and the Discrete Laguerre Operator (28.3.2019, 14:00 c.t., Aleksey Kostenko, Univerza v Ljubljani / Universität Wien)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Numerical methods for partial differential equations with random coefficients (Freitag, 15. 3. 2019, 14:00 c.t., Prof. Dr. Josef Dick, University of New South Wales, Sydney)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Real Algebra and Geometry: The Commutative and the Non-Commutative World (Dienstag 12.3.2019, 14:15, Tim Netzer, Universität Innsbruck)
- Number Theory Seminar: On the distribution of gaps between consecutive sums of two squares (6.3.2019, 14.00, Alexander Kalmynin, National Research University Moscow)
- Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides (25.2.2019 - 1.3.2019)
- Vortrag Habilitationswerberin: Cluster growth models and fractals (Donnerstag, 14.2.2019, 11:00 s.t., Dr. Ecaterina Sava-Huss, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar (Master-Vortrag): The Wiener index of Schreier graphs of the basilica automaton (7.2.2019, 11:00 s.t., Stefan Hammer, TU Graz)
- Workshop: Workshop: East Austria TDA Meeting (30.01.2019)
- Workshop: Groups, Automata and Graphs (February 11-12, 2019,
- Vortrag: Japanese employment system (Freitag, 25. 1. 2019, 14:00 c.t., Prof. Dr. Hisashi Okamoto, Kobe Gakuin University (Japan))
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Diophantine approximation with primes from imaginary quadratic number fields (11.1.2019, 14:15, Marc Technau, TU Graz)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Restricted Assignment Scheduling with Resource Constraints (8.1. 2019, 14:15, Hans Kellerer, Institut für Statistik und Operations Research, Universität Graz)
- Austrian-Russian Mini-Symposium on Diophantine Approximation: Parametric geometry of Nepal (18.12.2018, 11:00, Antoine Marnat, TU Graz)
- Austrian-Russian Mini-Symposium on Diophantine Approximation: Irrationality measure functions and Diophantine spectra (18.12.2018, 10:15, Nikolay Moshchevitin, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: The asymptotic volume ratio of Schatten classes (Tuesday, 18.12.2018, 10:00 c.t., Joscha Prochno, KFU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Polynomial convolutions (Tuesday, 18.12.2018, 11:00 c.t., Amnon Rosenmann, TU Graz)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Local laws for polynomials of Wigner matrices (Monday, 17.12.2018, 14:00 c.t., Yuriy Nemish, IST Austria)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Correlated random matrices: Dyson equation and edge universality (Monday, 17.12.2018, 11:00 c.t., Johannes Alt, Université de Genève)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On the polynomial Pell equation (Freitag, 14. 12. 2018, 15:00 s.t., Dr. Fabrizio Barroero, University of Basel)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: An effective criterion for periodicity of p-adic continued fractions (Freitag, 14. 12. 2018, 14:00 s.t., Dr. Laura Capuano, University of Oxford)
- Algebra Kolloquium: Monoidal Shannon Extensions (Freitag, 14. 12. 2018, 11:00 c.t., Dr. Lorenzo GUERRIERI, Ohio State Univ., USA)
- Algebra Kolloquium: Weighted Leavitt path algebras and the normal structure of classical-like groups (Freitag, 14. 12. 2018, 16:00 c.t., Dr. Raimund PREUSSER, Univ. of Brazilia, Brazil)
- Algebra Kolloquium: New results about some integral domains (Donnerstag, 13. 12. 2018, 16.00 c.t., Dr. Haleh HAMDI MOGHADDAM, Univ. of Tabriz, Iran)
- Algebra Kolloquium: Integer-valued polynomials over matrix algebras (Donnerstag, 13. 12. 2018, 16.00 c.t., Dr. Javad SEDIGHI HAFSHEJANI, Univ. of Shahrekord, Iran)
- Algebra Kolloquium: Some results on locally maximal product-free sets and filled groups (Montag, 10. 12. 2018, 14.00, c.t., Dr. Chimere ANABANTI, University of Nigeria, Nsukka)
- Algebra Kolloquium: Factorization of matrices over integral domains into products of elementary and idempotent matrices (10. 12. 2018, 9:00 c.t., Dr.Laura Cossu, Univ. Padova)
- Seminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik: Scattering of electromagnetic waves by a perfectly conducting obstacle coated with two thin layers (29.11.2018, 14:15 Uhr, Dr. Fatima Z. Goffi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: Boundary representations of $\lambda$-harmonic and polyharmonic functions on trees (Thursday, 15.11.2018, 11:00 s.t.!!, Wolfgang Woess, TU Graz)
- Vortrag: Why I am so crazy about mathematical modelling - the importance of details in clinical environment (Donnerstag, 15.11.2018, 17:00 Uhr, Dr. Jeremi Mizerski, ICM Universität Warschau, Polen)
- Vortrag: Center-Outward distribution Functions, Quantiles, Ranks, and Signs in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (15.11.2018, 17.00 Uhr, Marc Hallin, ECARES et Département de Mathématique, Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: TERNARY TREES AND RELATED STRUCTURES (Montag, 5.11.2018, 17:00, Prof. Dr. Helmut Prodinger, Univ. of Stellenbosch)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Galois properties of rings of integer-valued polynomials (Dienstag, 30.10.2018, 15:00, Dr. Giulio Peruginelli, Univ. Padova)
- Galois properties of rings of integer-valued polynomials (Dienstag, 30.10.2018, 15:00, Dr. Giulio Peruginelli, Univ. Padova)
- Strukturtheorie-Seminar: On the spectrum and spectral mapping theorem in max-times algebra (Montag 29.Oktober, 10:30 s.t., Aljoša Peperko, Univerza v Ljubljani)
- Mini-Series on Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry. Lecture 4.: Spherical designs (25.10.2018, 14.00-15.30, Dmitriy Bilyk, University of Minnesota)
- Mini-Series on Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry. Lecture 3.: Tight frames and equiangular lines (23.10.2018, 15.00-16.30, Dmitriy Bilyk, University of Minnesota)
- Mini-Series on Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry. Lecture 2.: Energy minimization and discrepancy on the sphere (18.10.2018, 14.00-15.30, Dmitriy Bilyk, University of Minnesota)
- Vortrag: On the Model Selection Properties and Geometry of the Lasso (18.10.2018, 17.00 Uhr, Ulrike Schneider, Institut für Stochastik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, TU Wien)
- Mini-Series on Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry. Lecture 1.: Star-discrepancy, Haar functions, and the small ball inequality (16.10.2018, 15.00-16.30, Dmitriy Bilyk, University of Minnesota)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium: Polynomials, rank and cap sets (22.10.2018, 16.15, P\'{e}ter P\'{a}l Pach, Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: The uniqueness of the extension of infinite two-parameter family of Diophantine triples (Freitag, 21. 9. 2018, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Alan Filipin, University of Zagreb)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: The uniqueness of the extension of infinite two-parameter family of Diophantine triples (Freitag, 21. 9. 2018, 14:00 Uhr, Dr. Alan Filipin, University of Zagreb)
- Number Theory Mini-Colloquium: On Goormaghtigh's equation (14.9.2018, 11.00, Dijana Kreso, TU Graz)
- Number Theory Mini-Colloquium: Asymptotic distribution of Beurling integers (14.9.2018, 10.00, Laima Kaziulyte, TU Graz)
- Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: Average bounds for l-torsion in class groups (Freitag, 13. 7. 2018, 14:15 Uhr, Dr. Christopher Frei, University of Manchester)
- Vortrag: How Do I Analyze Shapes in My Data? A Review of Some Recent Examples (Donnerstag, 12.07.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Wolfgang JANK, Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department, Muma College of Business/University of South Florida)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes (Dienstag 10.7.2018, 14:15, Philipp Sprüssel, Technische Universität Graz)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: Graph limits of random unlabelled k-trees (Dienstag 3.7.2018, 14:15, Yu Jin, Technische Universität Wien)
- FWF START Seminar: A survey on the evaluation of the values of Dirichlet $L$-functions and of their logarithmic derivatives at $1+it_0$ (28.6.2018, 14:00, Sumaia Saad Eddin, JKU Linz)
- Vortrag im Seminar für Kombinatorik und Optimierung: The genus of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph and the fragile genus property (Dienstag 19.6.2018, 14:15, Chris Dowden, Technische Universität Graz)
- Gastvortrag: Computing indecomposable decompositions of persistence modules (21.6.2018, 9:00, Emerson Escolar, RIKEN (Japan))
- Geometrieseminar: Discussions on Discrete Stratified Morse Theory (19.6.2018, 8:30, Bei Wang, University of Utah)
- ACHTUNG - VORTRAG ABGESAGT! Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium: On Goormaghtigh's equation (Freitag, 15. 6. 2018, 14:00, Dr. Dijana Kreso, University of British Columbia)
- ... 990 further activities
Seminar Operator Theory: Convergence of generalized MIT bag operators close to zigzag boundary conditions
(Institut für Angewandte Mathematik) Zeit: 27.2.2025, 14:15 Ort: SR AE 02 Vortragende/r: Joaquim Duran Institution: Centre de Recerca Matematica and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona We study some spectral properties of generalized MIT bag models. These are a family of Dirac operators acting on domains of $\mathbb R^3$, $\{\mathcal H_\tau\}_{\tau \in \mathbb R}$. They are used in the field of relativistic quantum mechanics to model confinement of quarks in hadrons, and their energies are related with the spectra of such operators. Their lowest positive eigenvalue is of special interest, and it is conjectured to be minimal for a ball among all domains of the same volume. The analogous conjecture holds true for the Dirichlet Laplacian (it is the Faber-Krahn inequality), which arises in the limit $\tau \to \pm \infty$. Studying the resolvent convergence of $\mathcal H_\tau$ in this limit, some spectral properties of the limiting operators $\mathcal H_{\pm \infty}$ are inherited throughout the parameterization. Organisator/in: Jussi Behrndt, Markus Holzmann, Petr Siegl |