Tree and Lattice Path Enumeration (Catalan Statistics, etc.)
The average height of a stack where three operations are allowed
and some related problems
H. Prodinger,
Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences,
5:287-304, 1980.
On the average height of monotonically labelled binary trees,
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
Finite and Infinite Sets,
volume 37, pages 509-526,
North-Holland, 1981, Proceedings of Janos Bolyai Conference on Combinatorics
Eger (Hungary)
A note on a result of R. Kemp on r-tuply rooted planted plane trees,
H. Prodinger,
28:363-366, 1982.
On the average oscillation of the contour of monotonically labelled ordered trees
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Mathematics at the Service of Man (Las Palmas),
pages 394-399, 1982.
On the average hyperoscillations of planted plane trees
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
2:177-186, 1982.
A correspondence between ordered trees and noncrossing partitions,
Discrete Mathematics,
46:205-206, 1983.
An elementary approach to the stack size of regularly distributed binary trees,
H. Prodinger,
Soochow Journal of Mathematics,
9:193-196, 1983.
The height of planted plane trees revisited
H. Prodinger,
Ars Combinatorica,
16-B:51-55, 1983.
Abzählprobleme bei Bäumen
H. Prodinger, editors: G.Baron and P. Kirschenhofer,
Publications de l'IRMA (Strassbourg),
pages 167-173, 1983.
Quelques techniques analytiques pour l'etude asymptotique des parametres dans les arbres
H. Prodinger,
In Sommerschule Ile de R e (Vortragsausarbeitung), English version in EATCS Bulletin,
47 (1992), 180-199, 1983.
On monotone functions of tree structures
H. Prodinger and F.J.Urbanek,
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
5:223-239, 1983.
Recursion depth analysis for special tree traversal algorithms
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger, editor: J. Paradaens,
Autmata, Languages and Programming,
volume 172 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 303-311, 1984.
On the altitude of specified nodes in random trees
H. Prodinger,
Journal of Graph Theory,
8:481-485, 1984.
The average height of the second highest leaf of a planted plane tree
H. Prodinger,
European Journal of Combinatorics,
5:351-357, 1984.
Die Bestimmung gewisser Parameter von binären Bäumen mit Hilfe analytischer Methoden
H. Prodinger, editor: E. Hlawka,
Zahlentheoretische Analysis,
of volume 1114 of
Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
pages 118-133, 1985.
The average height of the d-th highest leaf of a planted plane tree.
H. Prodinger,
16:67-75, 1985.
The expected height of paths for several notions of height.
W. Panny and H. Prodinger,
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica,
20:119-132, 1985.
Register allocation for unary-binary trees.
P. Flajolet and H. Prodinger,
SIAM Journal on Computing,
15:629-640, 1986.
Some recent results on the register function of a binary tree,
H. Prodinger,
Annals of Discrete Mathematics,
33:241- 260, 1987.
Level number sequences for trees,
P. Flajolet and H. Prodinger,
Discrete Mathematics,
65:149-156, 1987.
On the recursion depth of special tree traversal algorithms,
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
Information and Computation,
74:15-32, 1987.
Solution of a problem of Yekutieli and Mandelbrot.
H. Prodinger, editors: R. Baeza, E. Goles and P. V. Poblete,
volume 911 of,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 461-468, 1995.
On a problem of Yekutieli and Mandelbrot about the bifurcation ratio of binary trees.
H. Prodinger,
Theoretical Computer Science (to appear),
A note on the distribution of the three types of nodes in uniform binary trees
H. Prodinger,
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Vol. 38 (1996), #2, 5 pages.
A bijection between coloured trees and set partitions
H. Prodinger,
only published on this www-page.
Nondescreasing Dyck paths: a continuation
H. Prodinger,
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