Digits Stuff
Generalizing the sum of digits function,
H. Prodinger,
SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods,
3:35-42, 1982.
Ueber ein zahlentheoretisches Problem aus der Informatik
H. Prodinger and R.F. Tichy,
Sitzungsberichte der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abteilung II,
192:385-396, 1983.
A subword version of d'Ocagne's formula
H. Prodinger,
Utilitas Mathematica,
24:125-129, 1983.
Subblock occurrences in positional number systems and Gray code representation.
P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences,
5:29-42, 1984.
Über Mittelwerte gewichteter Ziffernsummen und verwandte Probleme.
P. Kirschenhofer, H. Prodinger and R.F. Tichy, editor: E. Hlawka,
Zahlentheoretische Analysis,
volume 1114 of
Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
pages 55-65, 1985.
On the moments of the sum of digits function.
P. Grabner, P. Kirschenhofer, H. Prodinger and R. Tichy,
Proceedings "Applications of Fibonacci Numbers",
volume 5, pages 263-271. Kluwer, 1993.
Mellin transforms and asymptotics: Digital sums
P. Flajolet, P. Grabner, P. Kirschenhofer, H. Prodinger and R.F. Tichy,
Theoretical Computer Science,
123:291-314, 1994.
The sum-of-digits function for complex bases.
P. Grabner, P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger,
J. London Math. Soc. (to appear),
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